NETS-T Presentation and Assesment

Having used Microsoft Power Point Presentation before, I thought I would give myself a challenge and use a new tool to present the NETS-T Standards to be used for the age range I plan on teaching (NETS-T III). I'm so glad I ventured out of the old Power Point Presentation format and used this rad tool called "Prezi". Prezi was a little hard to navigate at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was fun and I wanted to share it with everyone I came in contact with. In this particular assignment I used different colors, fonts, and pictures I thought I may use in my future Speech Therapy classes. Each standard is indicated and has a corresponding picture to the subject matter. Afterward, I created a survey using Google Docs asking my peers to review my Prezi Presentation and posted a link to view the results.

Click here for my Survey Results!